Friday, May 31, 2013

Project Vigilante: Outtakes!

Stage 4 Photoshoot!

Here are the photos we took for stage 4 of the vigilante project. Stay tuned, there's more to come!
Eka as Ms.Hack.

Hidayah as Pathos.

Farah as Metalhead.

Atiqah as Meta.

Jean as Scope.

Group shot!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Scope: An Instrument of Death

Nothing is more important to a sniper than her skills and her gun. An instrument, if you will, that only sings of death. 
The sniper rifle, assembled.

The rile in its case, with the scope, barrel detached and the stock folded.
The body of the gun was made from a store-bought toy gun. The foldable stock was made from a block of wood and a small metal hinge. PVC and polyethylene pipes made up the barrel and scope, spray-painted black, of course. Styrofoam served as the foam casing for the gun in the gun case.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pathos: Inspirations!

What inspires our vigilantes, Daniel and Pathos? Here are some of the references used in creating the character.
Here are some of the references used in the creation of Hidayah's character, Aya/Pathos.
These are the inspirations for Daniel.

Metalhead: Gear (Schematics and Costume)

Scope: A Symbol

A reticle: most commonly associated with telescopic sights for aiming firearms. However, Jean has chose a stylized mil-dot reticle as the symbol for her vigilante, Scope. Why? Because nothing gets the point across (that you're dealing with a sniper) as efficiently as this.
Scope's collar badge. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Scope: A Wardrobe

Costumes are more or less a person's identity, no less so for a vigilante. Hence, Jean's come up with 4 designs (one for each of the seasons) for her vigilante, Scope.